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Lawyer number in Egypt

Arab Republic of Egypt

Lawyer for Cassation, Supreme Administrative Court, and Supreme Constitutional Court

in Obour City

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We welcome you to the Firm of Counselor Essam Salem in Egypt. We provide our legal services to individuals, companies and organizations. The following is the number of a lawyer in Egypt: Counselor Essam Salem, Lawyer in Cassation, Supreme Administrative and Supreme Constitutional Law Firm for Advocacy and Legal Consultation. 01005115558

Attorney Essam Salem provides the following legal services in Egypt:

Establishing commercial companies in Egypt.
Drafting commercial contracts of all kinds.
Debt collection.
Pleading in cases of checks without balance.
Litigation and representation of the client before all public and private authorities and various types of courts.
Providing legal advice and advice.
Assistance in assessing the value of breakdown and damage and claiming compensation.
Litigation and pleading in labor dispute cases.

It is no secret that the need for a lawyer in every situation or problem has become an urgent necessity. Therefore, we advise you, even if you do not need a lawyer number in transit, keep it in your contact list, because you may need legal advice or legal inquiry related to any issue.

As the prior knowledge of the number of a lawyer in transit will avoid you searching when you need it. And in case you want to enrich your legal information and your knowledge of lawyers in transit, follow this article with us entitled “Lawyer's Number in Transit”.

A lawyer's number in transit.

Obtaining a lawyer's number in transit is very easy and simple due to the large number of lawyers in transit, but one must focus on a very important aspect when trying to obtain a lawyer's number in transit, which is high competence and experience.

Because the lawyer who will be appointed in your case must be characterized by the qualities of a successful lawyer and be smart and fear God with all our respect to all our fellow lawyers in Egypt and all other regions of the Egyptian state.

We are in the Firm of Counselor Issam Salem in Egypt. Our goal is to help the oppressed and achieve the right through cadres specialized in various legal fields, and these fields include:

Real estate issues. business issues. Personal status issues. Administrative cases and issues of the Board of Grievances. A criminal lawyer specializing in criminal cases related to the Criminal Court.

And a lot of legal specializations that do not make us at a specific specialty. If you want to appoint a lawyer from the Firm of Counselor Issam Salem Law Firm, you can call the number of a lawyer in Egypt that we mentioned at the beginning of the page, and we will take care of the task of pleading, litigation and providing legal advice in Egypt, whether online legal advice through WhatsApp or detailed advice in the Firm.

The Firm of Counselor/ Essam Salem in Egypt for Advocates and Legal Consultations is one of the best Firms in Egypt because of the valuable legal services it provides to citizens and residents of the Arab Republic of Egypt. Our first and last goal is to achieve the right and work to find legal solutions that will guarantee your rights and win the case.

The number of a legal advisor in transit.

The benefit of legal advice is that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. In other words, legal advice should be given before starting a lawsuit or complaining about a person or company. Legal advice is a summary of the lawyer's experience in his professional career, and he will introduce you to the best and fastest way to reach your goal in winning your lawsuit.

For example: If you entered into a contract for the sale of goods and relied on a ready-made model, it is assumed that there will be special agreements and conditions between you that you want to include in the contract, and they may not be present in the ready-made contract. Here you have fallen into a problem that you will not realize its dangers except in the stages of implementing the contract. Therefore, dear reader, be careful and careful not to take any action in your daily life without seeking the help of people of experience and knowledge in order to avoid falling into problems that you are indispensable and that cost you a lot of time and effort to solve them.

If you have a problem or want to obtain the number of a legal advisor in transit before you take any action or action, you can obtain legal advice online through the website of the Firm of the counselor, Issam Salem Law Firm and Legal Consultations in transit, as our Firm provides you with a selection of legal advisors in various legal disciplines. Their experience will help you find the perfect legal solution and the legal implications of every action you take.

Since consulting with a legal advisor in transit is a very important matter that helps you to overcome or overcome any obstacle, and to note, be very careful to prepare the subject of your consultation accurately and in detail so that the legal advisor can help you reach the most appropriate and sound solution.

Do not hesitate to obtain legal advice and make sure that choosing the best law firm and legal advice in Egypt will be a right choice.

The number of a labor lawyer in Egypt.

Labor cases are as easy and clear in the labor system as they are difficult and require a labor lawyer in transit. We especially mention the amicable settlement sessions that take place before transferring the case from the labor Firm to the labor court. As the lawyer undertakes the task of collecting evidence and evidence that proves the claim of the plaintiff, whether he is the working plaintiff or the employer. And presenting the appropriate defenses and legal texts included in the labor system in order to obtain a labor court ruling in your favor and implement it against the employer. You can click on the WhatsApp application to obtain the number of a labor lawyer in Egypt.

The importance of a labor lawyer is also represented in letting you know what you have and what you owe and increasing your legal awareness. We offer our legal services in labor cases as follows:

Litigation in cases of unfair dismissal from work. Delay in receiving salaries. Deprivation of annual leave. Requesting additional works not mentioned in the employment contract.

We will work to formulate your complaint in a clear and legal manner, and we will help you obtain rights with our experience and competence. We will also work to follow up your complaint from its arrival at the Labor Firm until it is transferred to the Labor Court if the reconciliation is not reached amicably.

The number of a personal status lawyer in Egypt.

The personal status cases handled by the personal status lawyer in Egypt are as follows:

Alimony Claims.
Proof of divorce.
Divorce lawsuit and annulment of the marriage contract.
Resolve family disputes amicably before transferring the case to the Personal Status Court.

If you need the number of a personal status lawyer in transit or the number of a divorce lawyer in transit, do not hesitate to click on the call icon in the corner of the page to be transferred directly to the lawyer's number.

The conflict may be simple at first and does not go beyond the occurrence of a dispute that can be resolved, to exacerbate the conflict and lead to divorce without knowing what will result from this matter, but if a personal status lawyer had been sought before that, perhaps 90% would have refrained from the idea of ​​divorce and tried to reform in order to avoid the disasters that will result and the consequences that will result. Especially if there are children.

So cases of claiming custody, which certainly require the assistance of a lawyer for personal status cases, begin to cross over to clarify the entitlement of custody to whom and the reasons for dropping custody from the custodian and how this is done. Also, a ruling may be issued against you in custody cases, and the matter requires an objection to the ruling to drop custody. Perhaps the matter is related to claiming and estimating alimony, how to obtain it, and how to implement and object to the alimony ruling.

Many ideas are included in alimony in the Egyptian system, and it is not easy for every person to know them. Alimony has different types, and knowing which alimony is due to you and how to estimate it requires the help of specialists and experts.

Seeking help from a personal status lawyer to claim alimony will save you a lot of time and effort, as you require your most basic rights to support you and your children.

Perhaps the divorce took place, but proving the fact of the divorce and issuing the divorce deed is something that is difficult for you to know without the help of a personal status lawyer who will help you file a lawsuit to confirm the divorce and obtain the divorce deed.

In the event that you want to reach the number of a personal status lawyer in transit, as soon as you click on the WhatsApp application, you will be transferred to a lawyer specializing in personal status issues, or call the numbers provided on the Contact Us page on the site, so that you will be answered immediately with all affection and love from our website team of lawyers and consultants.

The number of an administrative lawyer in Egypt.

The task of the administrative lawyer emerges when an administrative decision is issued against you to transfer you from your job to a lower-level position and you want to complain about the administrative decision issued against you, for example, but not limited to. The task of the administrative lawyer is to obtain annulment of the administrative decision by applying to the Board of Grievances. Or an appeal from the Administrative Court, if necessary.

Whereas, submitting an objection statement to the Board of Grievances requires a specific formulation, and it may require submitting a grievance to the competent authority to which it belongs first.

You will not be able to know these details without the help of an administrative lawyer in transit, and things may develop in order to challenge the ruling before the Supreme Administrative Court. contained in front of you on the site.